Business Register localization for Estonia

de Estonian Dynamics Partners

Search and update customer, vendor and contact card information from Estonian Business Register.

Business Register localization for Estonia allows you to search and update contact information from the Estonian Business Register on customer, vendor and contact card in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Business Register localization for Estonia is one of the other localization apps for Estonia which include:

  • Banking Formats localization for Estonia
  • VAT Reporting localization for Estonia
  • Intrastat Reporting localization for Estonia
  • Package Excise Localization for Estonia
  • Balance Statements
  • Prepayment Management
  • Estonian Language for Estonia

Supported Editions

This extension supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages

This app is available in English (United States) and Estonian (Estonia).

Contact information

For more information and pricing please contact one of the partners:

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